ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS… is a perfectly decorated home

Sure, in college my friends and I had a couple of Christmas candles ($3 from Walmart) and a Christmas tree (found on the side of the road with no ornaments) but those do not count as decorations, IMO.

Moving on to mine and Keaton’s first apartment in 2021.. I was very much so still balling on a budget as I was student teaching and my only income was the 5-9 shifts I was waitressing afterwards. That year, I raided the little $5 and under section at Target. We also had a Christmas tree, which was a slight upgrade from the college tree because we did buy a cheap little variety pack of ornaments. So for sure an upgrade all around but it still didn’t really feel like decorating to the fullest extent that you think of when you think about decorating for Christmas.

And last but not least, our first Christmas here in Arizona in 2022. We still used the same decorations from the previous apartment as we had just moved in a month prior and the new furniture didn’t leave much spare change for new decorations.

So.. that brings us here, to 2023. A lot has changed and I finally feel like I have reached that thing called adulthood that everyone desperately wants to get to in life. Keaton and I are married and we both have stable incomes which has allowed us to build our savings back up. That being said, I was finally able to decorate to the fullest extent that you think of when you think about decorating for Christmas

There are 3 trends that I took into consideration when decorating my home for Christmas this year.

  • feux fur
  • bows
  • cherry red

let’s start with the tree

This being Keaton and I’s fourth Christmas together, we really don’t have all of that many sentimental ornaments to put on our tree quite yet which means we needed a lot of filler ornaments. There were a couple of guidelines I had when looking for ornaments: red, gold, original/unique. This may not be as big of a surprise to you as it was to me but we found the majority of our ornaments at Home Depot. My favorite finds were the gold dangle/gold bead package and the sparkly nut crackers. I felt like they added a unique yet original vibe to the tree which fits our home perfectly and won’t go out of style for at least a couple of years.

Eventually, when we own a house, we really want to purchase real trees annually so this cute little $50 number was the perfect fit for us. Also found at Home Depot!


Bows are my all time favorite Christmas trend that I hope sticks around for decades. As I stated above, Keaton and I really don’t have all of that many ornaments which meant we had A LOT of tree to fill up. The bows were a very easy and affordable option that filled up the empty spaces fast! I also love how versatile this trend is. There is a bow color/style to match anyone and everyone’s home.

Table Top Decor

When searching for table top decorations, I tried to keep it low key while still incorporating the trends. Since I had so much cherry red on the Christmas tree with the bows, I tried to keep it pretty traditional with the deep cherry red, evergreen, white, and gold accent colors.

I know I referred to the Target $5 section as cheap earlier in the post, just because it is cheap doesn’t mean it looks cheap! I think the Target $5 section is a great place to shop for items you most likely won’t reuse as well as a great place for people who are shopping on a budget. The items that we purchased from this section were the snow fabric and all of the fake plants.

A store that took me completely by surprise was the one and only Hobby Lobby. I normally try to stray away from Hobby Lobby and buy from more eclectic stores but WOW! Their holiday section was on FIRE this year & 50% off!! When I say I had the time of my life I am literally not exaggerating.

Link to the fruit tree.

My favorite purchases from Hobby Lobby were the decorative fruit tree, velvet emerald green tree, the feux fur tree skirt and & the cinnamon apple scented potpourri.

I was incredibly hesitant to keep the potpourri in my shopping cart once I realized that it was scented because normally apple and cinnamon give me massive headaches. Apple-cinnamon is a very hard scent to ace, IMO. It is really easy to go overboard on and have a fake smell to it.

That being said, the scent on the Hobby Lobby potpourri instantly made me want to throw a holiday party it smells that good. It’s a very light scent that is more apple forward which adds a warm feeling to your home. I will forever be buying scented potpourri from now on. It truly sets the mood of the room, I am obsessed.

Since I am not a millionaire, my Christmas shopping extravaganza unfortunately had to stop there. Butttt, if I could have continued these are some items I would have gotten.

As always, links are on the pictures. <3

Everything that you are about to see is from what I like to call the “Holy Trinity” of home decor: Anthropology, Crate & Barrel, and Pottery Barn. All of these sites; in my opinion, can be hard to purchase multiple items from just because they are on the more expensive side. With that being said, all three of these stores create authentic, stylish, and sustainable products that will last you a life time. So even though it may take you a few years to build up your selection, it is well worth it. In the mean time.. I have found a lot of great dupes at Home Goods and Marshalls.

These door mats are giving me a chic vintage vibe. You could keep both of them for years.

Kitchen Items I Can’t Get Enough Of

This snowman salt and pepper stacker set is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love the irredecent color that gives it a snowy vibe! AND it’s a steal, only $10!!

This jingle bell bottle opener is

slightly over dramatic and in no

needs necessary. I do think it

is incredibly cute and would be

such a fun addition to your bar top.

This one is linked to Anthropologie

but I also saw a dupe of these

in the Target $5 section.

These vintage styled mugs make me want to curl up on the couch with hot coco and turn on Frosty the Snowman, TDF!

Living Room Items
These tree toppers are what I like to call a quiet statement piece.
The shapes are unique and eye catching yet the rustic gold helps to keep the classy low key vibe that won’t take away from the rest of the decorations on your Christmas Tree.

There are two different directions you can go with for tree skirts… classic / vintage or trendy / in. These are two great options for whichever style you prefer most.

As you are about to see, I have a thing for decorative pillows. I am a firm believer that your living room sets the tone of your house and nothing says cozy like a well decorated couch. All of these pillows and blankets are classic pieces you will be able to use for years on end.

Decorative Items I’d Die To Have On One Of My Table Tops

It’s really easy to want to vomit green and red all over the place during Christmas. An easy way to add an extra pop of color is with garland. These three options give off the perfect amount of chic and winter.


One day I will be the Christmas psycho that goes all out and decorates my bedrooms and bathroom.

I love this bed spread and selection of pillow covers because you can continue to use them outside of the holiday’s if desired.

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