I am referring to Brooklyn lofts, NYC brownstones, east Manhattan apartments, and modern industrial penthouses. HOWEVER, I am also referring to any space that is able to achieve this sort of vintage, urban, modern, maximalist, minimalist, timeless, and fresh style of interior design.
Attaining the New York City apartment aesthetic, despite your zip code.
Picking apart the nuances of trendy NYC apartments that give us that nostalgic fall of 2009, everything is how it was always meant to be, feeling.
NYC Articheture
Not so much architecture, but there are a few things I have noticed in many NYC apartments. Something to search for if you’re still in the house hunting/apartment hunting stage.
Exposed Brick/Pipes
This photo is from Marj Moore’s Brooklyn loft. She was has the most amazing style (fashion and home). A great person to follow if you’re looking for more inspiration!
The more “random” your are the better. Do NOT worry about finding pieces that match. The less they go together, the more they work for this aesthetic.
This gallery wall is packed full, but it looks just as good spaced out with 3-5 pieces.
gilliehouston on Instagram
Tanyajonsson on Instagram
Leaning frames against the floor/furniture rather than hanging them is something I have been obsessed with lately. I think it helps a space not feel “over designed”, perfect for this aesthetic.
Again mixing the old with the new. Vintage traditional styles of rugs in some areas with one or two BOLD accent rugs.
Cheetah print rugs are shockingly chic and easy to style if you are struggling with the more colorful designs.
Plants & Things
There does not have to be a plant around every corner, but you should include a few!
As a plant lover myself I have had good luck with monstera deliciosa, Pilea Peperomioides (money plant), and my favorite Creeping Jenny.
& Things
“Homes are for free expression, not good impressions.”
A quote I have lived by from the movie Yours, Mine & Ours. Although to be fair, for at least the past six years, I have been saying, “not rules and oppression.” Same principal, but it’s a good thing I decided to look it up, because I was off!
Rita Konig’s Manhattan Apartment
From York Avenue Blog
The Yours, Mine & Ours anecdote was my way of explaining how to be eclectic. Same goes for the post I have tagged in the photo above. Being “eclectic” looks different for every person, it should be representative of YOU.
Look for pieces that you just can’t live without, and worry about styling them later.
Imagine someone is writing a story about you solely based on your home. What would they think is important to you? What would your personality be like? Everyone knows by now that no one is perfect, so let’s all stop pretending.
The New York apartment aesthetic is all about welcoming people into your space, but really your life.
This aesthetic is not ridged, there are no rules to achieving the perfect New York City look. You just know it when you see it!