What to Wear Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What’s Your Sign?

Even if you don’t like to read about your zodiac sign, you still read about your zodiac sign. It’s like an addiction, you just have to know! We both have fallen victim to zodiac articles/apps/tiktoks/reels, you name it. This makes us uniquely qualified and simultaneously unqualified for making this post. Neither of us claims to be an expert, but none the less we are 100% correct and accurate.

Zodiac traits are intentionally vague in order to appeal to a large variety of people, but at the same time why are they are so creepily accurate?!

We tried to cut the fluff and get to the core of your sign with this post. The core that’s screaming for a higher credit limit and a personal shopper.

Tips for what to shop for and a fully styled outfit if you’re looking for something straight off the rack.

As always the pieces are linked for you below the photo, just click on the price!


Aries are the first astrological sign of the zodiac, and to no surprise, they lead with their hearts. Aries are warm and passionate people, often filling a room with their charismatic nature. You get bored easily so when picking out your outfit try mixing interesting patterns and colors.  This just makes sense as Aries ALWAYS stand out in a crowd! For instance Lady Gaga is an Aries.

Small eclectic brands and thrifting suit Aries well. Try shopping around on Aelfric Eden, and Lisa Says Gah. For high end fashion inspiration look towards Samimiro Vintage. You will also THRIVE at any kind of vintage market.


Tauruses love to surround themselves in love, beauty, & relaxation. Think soft fabrics, jewel tones, & soothing smells. If they go MIA don’t fret, they’re most likely just having a spa day. They are incredibly dependable friends, making them the ones to go to when you’re in need of direction. Although they love to live a luxurious life, they are practical and sensible. Meaning… they aren’t afraid to spend money on designer but they’re going to try to find a good deal first!

Taurus is all about soft fabrics and comfortable clothing hence the cashmere top, warm cozy floor length cardigan, & high waisted pants. They will drop a bag on cashmere but when it comes to accessorizing, they are going to find all the deals. Think Amazon dupes, outlet stores, and Nordstrom Rack!


Always on the go and having the ability to make conversation with anyone and everyone, Gemini are very social and curious creatures. They have an incredibly hard time sitting still & being alone aka… the party animal ;))

Gemini has a hard time making decisions when it comes to their passions, hobbies and outfits. They basically have to try on everything in their closet before leaving their house, in return turning their room into a gigantic mess. But don’t worry, they’ll clean it up.. eventually.

My vision for this outfit was a cocktail party that Gemini wasn’t invited to but decided to crash. No one can tell that she wasn’t invited because she is making her way around the party conversing with everyone like they have been best friends for years.

Due to their lack of decision making, Gemini’s closet is full of anything and everything. They have a hard time deciding what to wear so they end up mixing patterns and textures most people wouldn’t, often times resulting in very bold BUT chic outfits. When it comes to shopping, the world is your oyster! You’ll find a way to make anything work.


Leather jacket- Princess Polly ($105), Hoodie- Amazon ($38), Jeans- Abercrombie ($90), Belt- Alice and Olivia ($195), Boots- Nine West ($101), Earrings- Amazon ($13), Purse- Fossil ($89).

The empaths, Cancers are known for their caring and nurturing nature. While they can be emotional, they are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and are not afraid to stand up for what’s right. You are the mom of the group, but not in the boring way. In the way that everyone can trust you to have their back no matter the circumstance. Cancers long for a sense of security in their life and in their relationships.. and in their wardrobe?

Caners seek clothing based on how it makes them FEEL more than how it makes them look. Seek quality staple pieces that provide you comfort. Some famous Cancers include: Vin Diesel, Selena Gomez, Princess Diana, and Sylvester Stallone.

Cancers love a simple and sweet makeup look, think that clean girl vibe! A sturdy pair of denim jeans and a leather jacket should be two stable items in any Cancers closet. They are versatile, and only get better with age. Think about buying pieces that you never have to part with. Instead of a comfort blanket, you have a comfort close! Let this be your sign to spend extra money on quality, long lasting clothing.


The astrological diva’s.

Leo’s are always attracting attention with their fiery and passionate personalities! They radiate in self confidence, which is a good thing because they love to be in the spot light. When it comes to statements, they don’t hold back -whether it’s opinion or fashion related. So, when it comes to their outfits.. they make very c*nty choices. Leo’s gravitate toward eye catching colors and bold patterns that elevate their best features & grab everybody’s attention.

Following in the footsteps of the Leo Queen, Kylie Jenner, Leo’s are going to pair a bold lip with all of their outfits. If you’re a Leo, your closet should be full of sassy little baby tees as seen above.


Virgos, hello smarty pants! Your sign is known for (maybe) being a little tense because your brain is working OT. Your friends know they can come to your for advice, even if you’re a little judgmental, it’s with the best intentions. Virgos are DETAIL oriented perfectionists, and this outfit reflects that.

It’s all in the details Virgos, lord knows you aren’t sporadically throwing something together, there is a method to your madness.

You’re not keen on mixing metals, so pick gold or silver and try to stick with it. As a Virgo you are always hunting for that one piece that will complete the perfect outfit you have been envisioning in your head. Try keeping a list in your phone of these “must have items” so you can stay organized while you’re out shopping.


Jeans- Revice ($85), Sweater- ZARA  ($69), Sneakers- Adidas ($73), Purse- Amazon ($37), Earrings- Amazon ($13)

Libras are the masters of balance – natural peace makers. The queens of compromise if you will. Libras like to bring people together and generally avoid conflict, even to a fault. They are beautiful (hey Mar), and sociable, AKA the girls everyone calls “heartbreakers”. No but really, bring a Libra to the bar and watch them make ten new friends and take ten new numbers ;).

Libras love surrounding themselves with interesting people, and interesting clothes?

As a Libra look for that one statement piece that can act as an ice breaker when you’re out meeting new people. ALWAYS strive for an oversized purse, with lots of pockets. As a Libra you bring everything you need + an emergency kit for everybody else. A small handbag just wouldn’t cut it!


Scorpio’s are known to have two sides.

Poisonous Side

Like the scorpion, Scorpios themselves tend to have a bit of a sting to them that can come back to bite them back in the *ss. They have mysterious, intense, & independent personalities. Scorpio’s know what they want & when they want it. They make very calculated decisions that are always 2 steps ahead of everybody else to get what they want. They tend to put their emotions and feelings on the back burner & aren’t afraid to sting those in their path to get what they want, often times giving them a bad reputation.

Angelic Side

When Scorpios do let their guard down, their feelings arise and you see they are incredibly powerful and captivating. They have the ability to make some of the most soulful connections of the zodiac signs. When you gain a Scorpio’s trust, you are met with empathy, commitment and a closeness like no other. They have a deep and fierce love for the people they let in
& would do anything to protect them.

Fool them once, you will not be given the opportunity to fool them again.

Top – Revolve ($135), Leather Mini Skirt – Aelfric Eden ($49), Lace Tights – Urban Outfitters ($19), Sweatshirt – H&M ($40), Shoes – Nordstrom ($170), Earrings – Revolve ($35)

Grunge core queen’s!

Scorpio’s tend to guard themselves with a rough and tough exterior: leather, dark clothing, headphones/oversized sunglasses are their go to’s. But once you crack their core, you are met with a tender, gentle, loving side: lace, silk, soft colors.

Celebrity Scorpios: Joaquin Phoenix, Frank Ocean, Anne Hathaway, Winona Ryder.


Sagittarius is commonly known as the traveler of the Zodiac signs!

Flexible, adaptable, and a never ending desire for change, it’s basically impossible for them to let themselves get comfortable or stay in one spot – hence the need to always be traveling/exploring.

They have a hard time saying no to daring ideas or taking anything very seriously which can come back to bite them! They have a tendency to be mindlessly blunt & then have a difficult time understanding why people are upset with them.

Sag’s are always bouncing from one idea (or vacation) to the next and have a hard time making commitments. So… if you have reigned down a Sagittarius, you’re one of the lucky ones! (cough, cough.. Keaton;)))

Although they aren’t always on vacation, they like to dress like they are. Elevated, effortless, comfortable, flowy clothing that could work in any setting. Due to their inability to stick to a plan these are key components of a Sagittarius’s wardrobe.

Sundresses, sandals, tote bags & a plethora of sunglasses are great staples!

Sundress – Amazon ($40), Sandals – Steve Madden ($60), Purse -Poppy Lissiman ($170), Necklace – Jennifer Miller ($295), Revolve – ($63), Earrings – Anthropologie ($38), Sunglasses -Amazon ($10)

As a fellow Sag, I am embarrassed to admit that I own three of these dresses – all of which I basically live in. Shopping, running errands, taking Rex for a walk, doing house chores, out on a date – it works for any and every occasion! It makes me feel like I am an old retired woman living on the coast of Maine.


Hardworking, leaders, visionaries.. stop I’m blushing!

I am a Capricorn, so I can confirm these all reign true, although humility is not on the list which is… odd. All jokes aside Capricorns are known for being determined, and goal oriented. They are practical, with a side of pessimism, so don’t reach out to a Capricorn if you’re looking for butterflies and rainbows.

You have a crippling fear of failure, so let’s dress for success. Caps look for sleek fitted clothing that demands respect at the office and at that cute martini bar downtown, because girl you need to relax! I chose a classic tote style purse that’s chic in and out of the office. Same train of thought for the black sling backs, if you don’t have a pair yet it is a must have item for any Capricorn.


AKA Little Miss Rebel

Aquariuses are incredibly humanitarian & dedicated to fighting for what’s right. They are not afraid to start a rebellion or make outrageously funky fashion choices!

Although their outfits, words, and actions make it seem like they are confident and strong willed, Aquariuses have a tendency to be sensitive. They thrive in environments that make them feel loved and supported. If you have Aquarius BFF’s, they are probably the huggers of the group.

Although Aquarius’s don’t have a problem funking up an outfit, they like to feel cozy and comfortable at the same time! Meaning, they’re not going to show a bunch of skin, they’d rather drown in oversized tops and layers, layers, layers baby! Aquariuses love their funky patterned staple sweaters, eclectic accessories and pattern mixing.

Sweatshirt – Aelfric Eden $(66), Pants – Cider ($34), Magazine Purse -ETSY ($45), Shoes – StockX ($138), Beret – Amazon ($16), Olive Earrings – ETSY ($20), Sunglasses – Amazon ($13)


Tote- Poppy Lissiman ($165), Glasses- Amazon ($17), Kaftan- Free People ($70), Loafers- Amazon ($58), Earrings- Amazon ($7), Rings- ToMade ($10 each)

You can often find Pisces wearing rose colored glasses toeing the line between fantasy and reality. Three words that describe Pisces are creative, compassionate, and spiritual. Pisces are thought to be the most “psychic” of the Zodiacs. While you can become overwhelmed with your emotions, try and listen to your gut because it’s usually right! Artist types like Rihanna, Drew Barrymore, and Millie Bobby Brown are famous Pisces. 

If there is one Piece that screams Pisces it’s a Kaftan. I love this cream colored option from Free People, but there are so many beautiful patterned options out there to compliment your creative side. Buy pieces that visually excite you, even if they are not the most practical. You thrive on being unique!

Tag whatsfresh.blog on Instagram if you recreate any of these looks!

Stay Fresh, Cassidy and Kaitlyn

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