Taking Knee High Boots To The Next Level

Hello, my name is Kaitlyn and I am addicted to shoes.

It all started when my BFF told me to start watching Sex And The City. I very quickly fell in love with the shows lead character, Carrie Bradshaw. If you don’t know, Carrie is a massive fashionista and even bigger shoe lover. Before I watched the finale, I realized I had accumulated so many shoes I was running out of space to store them.
I mean if you don’t have a pair to match every outfit, can you even claim to be a Bradshaw lover?

If you can’t tell, shoes in general have a huge hold over my heart but my latest obsession has been with knee high boots. Sure, the typical sexy black is great, but what if we took them one step higher? Below you will find all of my current knee high boot obsessions with clickable links if you feel like adding another pair to your collection.

When I say ‘THE biker boot’ you know what I’m talking about right?

Don’t get me wrong, I do love the original black biker book.. but if you want to stand out or buy something that not everyone else has, the four options below are a great way to be in with the trends but also have your own individualistic flair at the same time.

With the holiday’s coming up, I think these two boots would be a fun, more on the ‘neutral side’, statement boot to wear to a holiday party or around town.


This pair deserved two slots.. I mean come on.

!ZIPPER styling!

This ones for the grunge girlies.

I think zippers add such a cool grungie feel to an outfit. What better placement than on a knee high boot?


Although crocodile and velvet fabrics have already had their moment a few years ago.. I think they will be making a come back soon. I feel like they both add a high class vibe to an outfit and usually aren’t very expensive fabrics to purchase.

The Betsy Johnson pair came across my instagram about two years ago and I have been obsessed with them ever since. They give off like a neon diner sign vibe. Sadly, they are sold out on the website but you can find them on amazon using the link below.


Knee high boots are very hard to pull off with jeans and maxi skirts. So, for those of you who would like to keep their boot collection versatile, below are two unique ankle boots that would slay any outfit combination.

XOXO – Kaitlyn

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