8 Times Carrie was Iconic in Season One of Sex and the City

What Carrie was Wearing in these 8 Iconic Season One Scenes

An homage to the beginnings of a fashion icon

1.) Opening Credits

Probably one of the most iconic outfits in the whole franchise.

Costume designer Patricia Field stated that she found the original tutu in a Bin for $5 at a store in Manhattan’s garment district. In an NBC article written by Rebecca Cohen, she wrote that Carrie was going to be wearing a Marc Jacobs dress from his 1998 spring runway, but Patricia wanted the outfit to be more indicative of everyday fashion at the time.

Where is the tutu now? There were five tutus used for the opening credits scene, Sarah Jessica Parker owns one. Another was sold at  Julien’s Auctions for 52,000 dollars just this January (2024).

2.) – Episode One ‘Sex and the City’

Samatha and Carrie are at ‘Chaos’, and iconic nightclub featured in the early episodes of Sex and The City. This is the first time Samantha and Carrie talk about Mr. Big.

Samantha stating, “He’s the next Donald Trump, expect younger and much better looking.” she then decided she was going to try and take him home even though he “usually dates models.”

3.) – Episode Three ‘Bay of Married Pigs’

Carrie finds out that one of her former lovers is now married to a man while walking down the street with Stanley.

I love this outfit, one because it feels so classic carrie, and two it’s the epitome of streetwear in 90s New York.

I searched all corners of the internet for this jacket, and came to the conclusion it might be nameless? If anyone knows the designer or brand of this coat I would love for you to send it to us, it’s driving me nuts!

4.) – Episode Six ‘Secret Sex’


A fan favorite and evidentially a favorite of Sarah Jessica Parkers as well. You can see her wearing the naked dress again at the 1997 VH1 music awards. Only after Carrie Modeled in the DKNY dress for her columns bus ad.

As part of the deal Carrie got to keep the backless nude dress after the shoot was over, and she decides to wear it on a date with Big.

Before she leaves for the date Charolette coins this number, “the naked dress”.

5.) – Episode Six ‘Secret Sex’ – round two

Charolette, Samantha, and Carrie are all there to celebrate Carrie’s bus ad, but who’s missing? I’ll give you a hint it’s not Miranda. This is the fist time in the series we see Mr. Big not show up for Carrie. The excuse this time was “a work thing came up”.

Disappointed, maybe. Fabulous, Definitely.

This blonde raccoon fur coat is actually adjustable and can be worn long or short. Carrie wears it numerous times throughout the series but perhaps most iconically in the fist movie on NYE. Carrie quickly throws this coat over her pajamas to hail a cab to Brooklyn so Miranda doesn’t spend the holiday alone.

6.) – Episode Seven ‘The Monogamist’

Carrie, debating the pros and cons of monogamy, let’s a 20 something buy her Cosmos all night before drunk dialing big. He meets her outside of Luna Cafe where Carrie asks, “dont you want to stand still with me?”.

Big Agrees

An absolutely stunning dress all the Carrie fanatic reddit pages say would be perfect, “if they always had rock hard nipples”. Yet no one knows the brand.

Sad but true, for both.

7.) – Episode Nine ‘Turtle and the Hare’

Carrie is discussing what it means to settle in a relationship looking CHIC as ever in this Wynn plaid jacket. Carrie’s streetwear defines her style throughout her fashion journey on SATC. Always the perfect mix of designer and vintage.

8.) – Episode Twelve ‘Oh, Come All Ye Faithfull’

Carrie’s MO may be being disappointed and fabulous.

Here she is leaving Big because he won’t say I love you, in a pair of red Dolce and Gabbana heels. One of many times Carrie leaves Big or vice versa throughout their relationship.

If you’re a wanna be Carrie Bradshaw (or secretly Charolette York), Follow our Instagram.

OXOX Cassidy

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