4 Ways to Help You Destress

There are two categories of ways to help you to destress:




Can’t relax until everything is done?

First things first, actually make the to do list.

Whenever I feel like things keep piling up and never seem to stop my brain starts to fog and I can’t even think straight anymore. To do lists help you to visualize what you actually need to get done and what can be put off another day. After getting everything down on paper, you shed a little layer of stress.

Sit down with your favorite drink, take a breath and start to write down everything that needs to get done. After you have your to do list made, get a highlighter. With the highlighter, highlight the things that absolutely have to be done and leave what can wait a little bit longer unhighlighted. Most of the time after completing this step I realize 9/10 times that I was simply just catastrophizing and everything seems much more achievable.

With my highlighted list I will then start to categorize what needs to be done in the house and what requires me to leave. I throw on some light music, light a eucalyptus candle, and do everything that needs to be done in the house first. If I do my outside errands first, often times I get distracted and then what was needed to get done in the house goes unfinished… and starts the stress all over again.

After all inside and outside errands are complete, top it all off with throwing away the to do list & pour yourself a well earned glass of wine.

catastrophizing = the art of making everything seem 10 times more horrible than it actually is


Can’t tackle a to do list until you’ve relaxed a little?


Ok so this is a task in and of itself. Every time that I have ever decluttered or organized is has taken HOURS.. but the satisfaction after you are all done is like no other.

I always start by choosing what exactly needs to be organized and mentally mapping everything out. How do I want this organized? What is going to make the most sense? How many organizational bins am I going to need? If I need bins what is going to go in each bin to make the most sense? (make sure to measure your space and bins before purchasing)

After mapping everything out & buying the bins, take all of the items out of their space and wipe everything out. Then put everything into their new bin and reorganize!

My favorite organizational bins are linked to the picture.

All purpose storage bin brightroom from Target
Read a book

OK so this one is only going to work if you actually have a love for reading. If you struggle to get invested in a book or sit down and devote time to a book, then maybe move on to the next relaxation strategy.

I cannot express my love for reading enough. It is truly my favorite escape from reality and past time. If you want peak relaxation while reading it’s all about your atmosphere. Personally, I cannot have any noise / distraction or I will not comprehend the words I am reading. So for myself, my favorite reading spots are my balcony in the morning with a cup of coffee or my couch in the afternoon with a blanket and mountain of pillows. If you are the kind of person who can stay focused through distraction, take your book poolside. Vitamin D (the sun) does WONDERS for stress relief as it naturally boosts your serotonin which are your happy hormones.

Some of my favorite authors:

Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult has been a favorite author of mine ever since I was assigned to read her book 19 minutes my senior year of high school (2017). My draw to Picoult is simply her writing style. The chapters are told from different characters so you are reading the story from several points of views/perspectives. The majority of her books also include situations that need to be delt with by law enforcement and court cases. So if you’re a crime junkie, Picoult might be for you!

Nicholas Sparks

I kind of hate myself for saying this one out loud because it is simply just so cliche. BUT, Sparks is a favorite of mine simply because I grew up watching so many movies that originated from his books and duh love stories. Who doesn’t love a little love?

Now that I have developed a love for reading it’s fun to read through the books of some of my favorite childhood movies and spot the differences.

Hint: the books are always better than the movies.

Coleen Hoover

Coleen Hoover has a chokehold on the nation and a death grip on me.

Mystery, love, and tangled webs you have to try and unweave yourself before reaching the end. She is truly just a genius.

I honestly have zero clue as to what it is exactly about her books that are so addicting but anytime I have picked up a Hoover book I have finished it in a span of hours – 2 days.

Grab a cup of tea & spill some while you’re at it

& by that I mean call your mom or bestie.

Whether you have had a long stressful day, are agitated and need to get it off your chest, or simply just want to chit-chat to get your mind off of whatever is causing you stress this may be your best stress relief/distraction strategy. I’m not sure if this is a universal experience or personal but I swear anytime I call my mom or BFF; even if it’s just for a simple question that should only take 30 seconds, somehow our conversations end up going over 30 minutes long and every time I hang up I feel 50 x lighter and at ease. Mom’s & besties give comfort simply just by hearing their voice.

Now onto the tea! Tea that is going to help you to relax the most is going to be decaffeinated. Caffeine won’t directly cause stress or anxiety but if your senses are already heightened the added stimulation (boost in heart rate) will definitely not help your case. Tea that I have found to help me destress the most are ones with chamomile and peppermint. My personal favorite is the tazo dream tea before bed after a long day. All three can be purchased online or found in grocery stores.

Anyway.. boil some water, seep your tea & phone your mom or bff.

XOXO – Kaitlyn

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