I am not entirely sure if this is a universal experience or maybe just a personal one.. but my whole life all I have ever really worn as pajamas are like a ratty *ss pair of shorts and old t shirts I just kind of stumbled upon through out my life.
Once I got my first adult job, I completely reworked my entire wardrobe. Trying to throw out all of my old tiny bar tops and tight fitting bottoms for a more sophisticated chic wardrobe that worked in my new adult life.
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Well, now that I have finally figured that whole situation out, my new hyper fixation has been pajamas. Raise a glass if you’re someone who is never fully satisfied with your life and is always trying desperately and tirelessly to fix something! ;))
Anyways, basically what I am trying to say here is that I have become sick and tired of my tiny shorts and ratty T shirts that I have memories throwing on as a teenager. I have dedicated countless hours, money, and time to these 4 finding staple pajama stores.
A store basically every person on the planet has access to, is affordable, and actually puts out quality sh*t. (insert kissy face emoji)
Bachelor #1: AMAZON
I don’t think anyone is surprised by this, right?
I slept on amazon for sleepwear for far too long. In the past, anytime I ordered clothing off of amazon it was completely hit or miss. Some items quickly became staples and others went right back to the factory. I always read reviews so I never understood how some products could be SO BAD when the reviews clearly stated other wise? Well, because I wasn’t looking at the fine print.. and by that I mean looking at what fabric the clothes were made of.
You can find fabric details underneath product details that is always directly underneath the products information.

– cotton
– polyester
– satin
The only fabric I have found that I have HATED is spandex, especially when it has been mixed with polyester. It looks & feels like doll clothes in my opinion. The only time straight up spandex fabric is allowed is fog gym attire.
Cotton and satin are personally my two favorite that I am always on the lookout for. They are going to make your product soft and loose fitting.
Personal Recommendations
Click the price underneath the photo to take you to link.
Bachelor #2: Old Navy
Old navy is great for summer dresses & PJ’s. Incredibly affordable prices and PHENOMONAL quality. I will say the in person selections are alway so picked over because they are simply just that good so you might have better luck looking online.
When shopping online, you have some options.. you can purchase shirts & shorts separately in different patterns or you can purchase sets. If you’re more of a set person, I would turn on that function in the filters category so you can find what you’re looking for quicker.
Personal Recommendations
Click the price underneath the photo to take you to link.
Bachelor #3: GAP
When I die give my heart and soul to the GAP PJ section. The only thing with GAP is that you can’t really purchase a matching set in one. They have matching sets.. you just have to purchase the pieces separately but let me tell you why I love this so much. They have SO MANY OPTIONS!! It’s like subway but with pajamas. You get to build your own set to your preferences and they give you recommendations at the bottom. See below for example.